

IsmecaThis high-tech Swiss-owned company has been responsible for creating some of the world’s greatest precision-oriented machinery.  Endeavors in working with them have included an array of organizational development improvements. Examples: Business Unit...

Greenwich Biosciences

Greenwich BiosciencesWorking with this fast-growing life science company has been an honor on a number of fronts: Professional Team Development A 12-week development program encompassing best practices for productivity, engagement, and collaboration (with an emphasis...
People Style Profile

People Style Profile

People Style ProfileThis short online assessment provides insight into how people think and interact with others. It also helps individuals recognize differences in communication styles. With its genesis in the renowned Myers-Briggs-Type-Indicator (MBTI), I built this...

UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego HealthIt has been my honor to act as the Keynote Speaker for the UC San Diego Medical Center in their 500+ All-Staff development day.  The theme was Focus. Sprint. Recover.  – and it presented the concepts of cutting through the noise to regain focus in a...

National Human Resources Association

National Human Resources AssociationIt was an honor to be a guest webinar speaker with the Orange County’s NHRA Rising Star Program on the topic of Shaping the New World of Work. Topics covered with this highly talented emerging HR leadership group included: Great...